Hobson Wildenthal Memorial Contributions


Longtime University executive Dr. Hobson Wildenthal was a professor of physics and distinguished scholar in residence at The University of Texas at Dallas. He began his tenure at UT Dallas in 1992 as vice president for academic affairs, was named provost in 1994 and added the title of executive vice president in 1999. He was appointed interim president in 2015 and returned to the post of executive vice president in 2016. Wildenthal’s influence helped shape the University, and his impact will long be evident across campus.

Personal checks, cashier’s checks or money orders payable to UT Dallas can be mailed to:

Office of Development and Alumni Relations, SPN 10, 800 W. Campbell Road, Richardson, TX 75080

To make a gift via phone, call 972-883-2295. For questions regarding memorial contributions in honor of Hobson Wildenthal, contact Dr. Rafael Martín at 972-883-3550.

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